Most of us as kids had dreams of what we wanted to be when "we grow up." Mine was a veterinarian. It is all I ever thought about. It was my passion. Animals and the ocean always fascinated me. Then life happens, takes its turns and things don't always go as we planned as kids. Nevertheless, there has always been a special place in my heart for animals which leads me to my blog today.
I wanted to bring attention to a dirty little secret in Japan that was recently exposed in a documentary called "The Cove." In a fishing village called Taiji, thousands of dolphins are driven into a cove each year. The dolphins are slaughtered, their throats are slashed, and they are speared to death. Some of the dolphins are even sold to use in dolphin shows and dolphin swim programs.
I had never in my life seen such a barbaric way of humans killing animals. And what makes this all even worse is the Japanese government recently introduced dolphin/whale meat to childrens schools, even though the meat is high in mercury and is extremely toxic. The Japanese government did not even warn the Japanese people of the danger of eating this meat. The people of Japan deserve to know whats going on as it affects their families and children. The Japanese government also said it views dolphins as pests whose numbers need to be controlled. Unbelievable.
Read the rest of this blog on GlobalGrind.com to find out the 5 things you can do now and to watch the trailer for "The Cove"...
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Super-Duper site! I am loving it!! Will come back again - taking your feeds too now, Thanks.
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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Hey everyone just wanna say hello and introduce myself!
It makes me sick to still hear about stuff like this. I am a animal lover an tend to favor marine life. This cruelty has to stop! I get so upset and feel so useless when it comes to this sort of stuff. Thank you for bloggin on this. I am for sure going to look into ways I can help put a stop to this.
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Thats very good to know... thanks
Unbelievable! This needs to be heard
I must say it was hard for me to even watch the clip to that movie. It is not only horrible but sad that there are people who are willing to take part in something like that. I understand that people need to eat but some things should be left alone. To kill animals like dolphins, whales, tigers, etc is just unacceptable. A large amount of people take part in these activities for sport and something has to be done to stop it. Lala thank you so much for bringing light to this issue. So many people are not aware that things like this are taking place. Hopefully more people will become aware and something will be done to put an end to this.
Thanks Lala for bringing attention to this very important issue and the film, The Cove, awareness is the first step. Lola
That story made me cry it's so sad how humans can be so mean to animals we are all god's creatures what can we do to help
I love dolphins and most animals as long as they are not trying to eat me. This is terrible, I will do what I can to let people know about this!
This is upsetting to me to find out how people detroy harmless animals because they are too many of them. How ignorant of them that's like me saying I'm going to detroy the human race because we are overpopulated.
As horrible as this sounds, I am still more interested in human life...I applaud you for standing up for YOUR cause...mine is of a different nature...HUMAN NATURE!
Am very upset to hear this news and they should be ashame of themselves. I love animals!!!
I am very upset to hear this news; they should be ashame of their self.
That is terrible news to hear, i also felt very sad and disgusted with Micheal Vick's actions toward those poor innocent dogs. Who has the right to judge the importance of any life, human, animal or mammal NOONE but GOD because He was and is the only creator of us and them all.
WOW LaLa U Went In And I Love People That Goes IN For A Cause Or To Stand Up For Certain Rights I Will Post This In Some Places ASAP Thanks LOVE - Jerome Trammel