Tags » movie

This page contains 2 entries tagged “movie”



Here's the trailer for the upcoming movie I'm in called GUN. 50 Cent and Val Kilmer went in on this! It's a MUST SEE (and im not just saying that because I'm in it...lol) Let me know what you think...

Your Thoughts?


Hope you had an amazing weekend. If you follow me on twitter then you know how bad I wanted to see "Brothers" this weekend. I finally made it to the movie theatre. I would highly recommend this movie to anyone looking for something deep to watch. The ending...welll......I won't tell you..ENJOY!

Have you seen any good movies lately? Please tell..I'm such a movie buff!

Your Thoughts?



    Lala Pix

    Happy Birthday Mel

    Happy Birthday Mel

    June 2, 2010

    Sports Spectacular

    Sports Spectacular

    May 26, 2010

    VIBE Magazine

    VIBE Magazine

    April 27, 2010

    More Pics!
